I learned a very valuable lesson in college; one that would make a deep and lasting impression on me. One of the head professors had drilled into us that coloring books stifle creativity, encouraging kids to color the pictures of others rather than create their own. "Why do you think there are no great artists these days?" she asked.
We were taught that children should be given blank paper and encouraged to "create". That by giving them said books, children would think their pictures were not good enough and try to copy instead of developing an original work of art.
Boy have I defended THAT position over the years! Before my husband and I were married, it was one of those things that HAD to be ironed out prior to walking down the aisle! I mean, how could I marry a man who would give his child, MY child, A COLORING BOOK???
I've had friends that insisted "Children like them!" Well, yes, they do. And they also would like a breakfast of fruit snacks, lunch of Oreos and dinner of chocolate cupcakes, followed by a marathon of that nasty little sponge BUT YOU CAN'T GIVE CHILDREN EVERYTHING THEY LIKE because it wouldn't be good for them, now would it?
"Coloring in the lines is good for fine motor skills." Possibly; but aren't there NINE MILLION other hands on, fun things that you could think of that are BETTER for fine motor skills that don't STIFLE CREATIVITY?? Oh, how the crusade continues...
Over the last few years, MLG has received a few. Fortunately for me, he's still young enough where I can slip those suckers right out of sight and he doesn't even realize they are missing. AND I did find good use for a short time period when he WOULD NOT put pencil, marker or crayon to paper because of weak fine motor skills; but he LOVED coloring his Buzz and Woody book. OH HOW THAT HURT! But I was using it for a very specific goal over a very short time period. Once he was off and running, so were Buzz and Woody!!
So, if anyone, anywhere is reading this...please, help me on my crusade! Hand some blank, shaped or colored paper to your child and your friend's children, instead. And tell them why it's not a coloring book...
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