With every holiday season comes my school's Holiday Boutique. Each year I cringe as I think about bringing twenty five kindergartners shopping. How many times can I explain that they can't buy $200 worth of items because they only have $5? How many lessons will it take to teach them that they are not supposed to be shopping for their own gifts...and Mommy might like something other than a Sponge Bob eraser and a Giants foam football? Will there ever be a year that not one student cries because they didn't bring in any money? Ugh...the mere mention of the Boutique brought on exaggerated eye rolls and sighs.
When the PTA at MLG's school sent home a questionnaire regarding our opinion of the scheduled fundraisers, I thought this was my chance to impart some of my "infinite teacher wisdom" and share EXACTLY WHY I didn't like this particular activity. I went on and on, listing all the reasons this shouldn't be a fundraiser. I imagined PTA Moms discussing all the good points I made, planning for a new event in it's place.
Not wanting MLG to miss out on the experience, I of course sent him to school with an envelope for his Holiday Boutique. I prepped him on what would be happening that day and how he should keep his gifts a secret from both myself and his Daddy. My husband shared my son's plan to buy me flowers. "He's going to be disappointed," I thought.
When I picked him up, MLG was VERY excited to share how he had gone shopping for us and couldn't wait to put his bags under the tree. To my surprise, he had taken my advice very seriously and didn't give so much as a hint about the contents.
On Christmas morning, he stopped during his own present opening spree to hand out our bags. He anxiously watched us open our presents; I could see how proud he was of his choices: My first Greatest Mom, floral designed mug; my pink flower pen and my favorite, a dainty pair of rainbow-flower earrings. MLG had purchased flowers for me, according to plan. Immediately, I put in my earrings and watched him beam.
I've worn those little earrings often since Christmas, so proud of my son who took the time to carefully choose them. When I think of it, I show him that I'm wearing his special gift and delight in the satisfaction and pride that wash over him. My heart melts every time I look at them; they have become, by far, the most priceless piece of jewelry I own.
I can't wait for next year's Holiday Boutique.
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